Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic 
Methods for Bioinformatics

A NATO Advanced Studies Institute

San Miniato, Italy    October 1-11, 2001

Co-directors: Paolo Frasconi (University of Florence) Ron Shamir (Tel Aviv University)

Schedule and program of lectures (updated)
Online lecture notes and links (new)
Submitted papers (new)
Organizing Committee and Lecturers
Participation and Application form
Location, traveling, accommodation

Daily schedule

Time Location  
7:30-8:30am Cappuccini or Miravalle Breakfast
9:00-10:30am Cappuccini (lecture hall) First lecture
10:30-11:00am   Coffee break
11:00am-12:30pm Cappuccini (lecture hall) Second lecture
12:30-2:00pm Cappuccini Lunch break
2:00-3:30pm Cappuccini (lecture hall) Third lecture
3:30-4:00pm   Coffee break
4:00-5:30pm Cappuccini (lecture hall) Forth lecture
5:30-7:30pm   Free time
7:30pm Cappuccini Dinner
9:00pm Cappuccini (poster hall) Evening poster sessions


Scientific program 

Sunday, September 30
1pm-7pm Arrival
8pm Reception dinner
Monday, October 1st
9:00am D. Geiger Inference in Bayesian networks
11:00am D. Geiger Learning Bayesian networks with applications to bioinformatics
2:00pm P. Frasconi Introduction to neural networks and machine learning
4:00pm P. Frasconi Connectionist models for learning in sequential and structured domains
Tuesday, October 2nd
9:00am R. Shamir Elementary Introduction to Molecular Biology
11:00am S. Muggleton Knowledge-mining in biological and chemical domains
2:00pm D. Haussler Overview of the Human Genome Project and the Construction of the Working Draft
4:00pm D. Haussler Exploring the Working Draft of the Human Genome
Wednesday, October 3rd
9:00am B. Schoelkopf SVMs and kernel methods for high-dimensional data
11:00am R. Casadio Functional genomics and proteomics in silico
2:00pm L. De Raedt

Molecular Feature Mining in HIV data

4:00pm   Workshop on AI methods
Thursday, October 4th
9:00am P. Baldi Protein Structure Prediction
11:00am S. Brunak Computational proteomics
2:00pm R. Casadio Fishing and modeling membrane proteins
4:00pm R. Casadio Ab-initio prediction of protein structures with contact maps
Friday, October 5th
9:00am B. Rost Evolution teaches to predict protein structure and function
11:00am B. Rost The gory details of protein secondary structure prediction
2:00pm S. Brunak Prediction of orphan protein function
4:00pm A. Apostolico Computational Theories of Surprise 1:  A Pattern Discovery Primer
Saturday, October 6th
9:00am A. Apostolico Computational Theories of Surprise 2: Algorithmics of Pattern Discovery and Classification
11:00am P. Baldi DNA Structure, DNA Microarrays, Gene Regulation and Regulatory Regions
2:00pm A. Valencia Sequence Based Prediction Methods
4:00pm A. Valencia Interaction Networks
Sunday, October 7th - Break day (Free time)
Monday, October 8th
9:00am R. Serra Introduction to genetic networks
11:00am M. Gelfand Recognition of regulatory signals 1. Traditional algorithms
2:00pm M. Gelfand Recognition of regulatory signals 2. Comparative methods
4:00pm D. Gilbert Clustering proteins by fold patterns  
9:00pm Poster session 1
Tuesday, October 9th
9:00am R. Shamir DNA chips and analysis of gene expression
11:00am R. Shamir Problems and algorithms in reconstruction of gene networks
2:00pm N. Kolchanov Computer analysis of regulatory genomic sequences I
4:00pm N. Kolchanov Computer analysis of regulatory genomic sequences II
9:00pm Poster session 2
Wednesday, October 10th
9:00am M. Vendruscolo Protein folding using contact maps and contact vectors
11:00am A. Covacci Whole genome microarray for genetic diversity and pathogenic signatures
2:00pm H. Mueller Near genome wide expression pattern analysis of the pRB tumor suppressor pathway
4:00pm R. Serra Tumors as complex systems: In vitro generation of transformation foci
Thursday, October 11th (Papers submitted by participants)
9:00am M. Embrechts

Data Strip Mining for the Virtual Design of Pharmaceuticals with Neural Networks

9:30am G. Valentini

Recognition of Human Lymphoma using Support Vector Machines, Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Gene Expression Data

10:00am H. A. Kestler

Cluster analysis of comparative genomic hybridization data

11:00am D. Lipson

Designing Specific Oligonucleotide Probes for the Entire S. cervisiae Transcriptome

11:30am P. Cull

Improved Parallel and Sequential Walking Tree Methods for Biological String Alignments

12:00am P. Juvan

Web-Enabled Abductive Inference of Genetic Networks

Friday, October 12th
9am-12am Departure


Poster Session 1

PS 1       A.S. Brok-Volchansky, A.A. Deev, and O.N. Ozoline
E.coli promoters annotation in terms of non-canonical elements. Borders of promoter DNAs, presence of direct and inverted repeats.

PS 2       E. Eskin and P. Pevzner
Discovering Dyad Signals with Exhaustive Pattern Search

PS 3       D. Caffrey
A method to predict residues conferring functional differences between related proteins

PS 4       I. Artamonova , T. Gorodentseva and E. Sverdlov
Long terminal repeats of human endogenous retroviruses (K family) and their distribution in human genome.

PS 5       G. Thijs, K. Marchal, M. Lescot, S. Rombauts, B. De Moor, P. Rouze, Y. Moreau
Extending the Gibbs sampling algorithm for motif finding with higher-order background models

PS 6       S. J. Anastasoff, T. Bao, J. A. Nelson
Genetic Algorithm Based Biological Simulations – A GA Model of Mutation and Evolvability

PS 7       T. S. Larsen
Procaryotic Gene finding

PS 8       M. G. Kann and R. A. Goldstein
Performance evaluation of a new algorithm for the detection of remote homologs with sequence comparison

PS 9       G. Grant, E. Manduchi, S. Sokolovsky, and C. Stoeckert
Performance testing of methods for prediction of differentially expressed genes from array data

PS 10     S. Shen-Orr, R, Milo, and U. Alon
Exploring Escherichia coli transcriptional regulation - Discovering design motifs

PS 11     B. Chor, S. Snir, Z. Yakhini, E. Yeger-Lotem
SB(H+RE) - Sequencing by Hybridization and Restriction Enzymes

Poster Session 2

PS 1       I. Ben-Gal and A. Shmilovici
Identifying Promoters by VOM Modeling

PS 2       A. Micheli
QSAR and Drug Design by Neural Network for Structures

PS 3       T. Davison
Using Support Vector Machines for the Classification of Data Quality in Microarray Experiments

PS 4       A.G. Vitreshchak
Computer analysis of regulation of genes, encoding aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and amino acid biosynthetic proteins in Gram positive bacteria: T-box RNA regulatory element. Prediction of regulation of new genes, including amino acid transporters

PS 5       U. Ohler, G. Stemmer and H. Niemann
Principal Component Analysis of DNA structural features and its application to human promoter finding

PS 6       K. Patel and H.M. Cartwright
Reverse Engineering Protein Interaction Networks from Proteomics Data

PS 7       D. Rodionov
Transcriptional regulation of pentose utilization systems in the Bacillus/Clostridium group of bacteria

PS 8       N.V Oleinikova, G.A. Bogopolsky, P.K. Vlasov, Sh.R. Sunyaev, and M.A. Roytberg
Accuracy of the pair-wise protein sequence alignment: From the observations to a new approach

PS 9       A. Gerasimova
Computational analysis of regulatory sites in bacterial genomes. FNR- and ANR-binding sites

PS 10     M. Nielsen, O. Lund, C. Lundegaard, T.N. Petersen, J. Bohr, S. Brunak, G.P. Gippert
Automated modeling of protein structures

PS 11     T. Gavrilova and A.  Voinov
Visual Structured Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition